Board of Directors

Nominating Committee Information & Form 

Please read the following information and submit the attached form found below if you are interested in becoming a Director on the Board of Directors of the International Conductors Guild. This can be an enviable and enjoyable position that will challenge you to help the Guild grow as a top conductor membership and service organization for all conductors. Board members assist the ICG financially, as well as in developing, planning, and participating in future programs.  

Please complete the following form and return via email to:

Dr. Scott Woodard, Co-Chair
Dr. Anna Binneweg, Co-Chair

Nominating Committee 
International Conductors Guild

OR - Mail completed form, along with additional materials, to the ICG office:
International Conductors Guild
Attn: Dr. Scott Woodard, Co-Chair
Dr. Anna Binneweg, Co-Chair

15 E. Market Street, #22
Leesburg, VA  20178

*Please note, submitted materials will not be returned to you.

 2025 BODNominationForm.pdf

1. If known, in what year did you become a member of the Guild? 

2. Have you attended any annual conferences of the Guild?  Approximately how many ? 

3. Have you participated in Guild workshops or seminars? If so, provide date and location. 

4. In what other areas have you participated in the work of the International Conductors Guild? 

5. Have you made a financial contribution to the Guild, beyond member dues? 

6. In what areas of the Guild’s mission/work, will you be interested in making an active contribution?

_____ Financial Management and Support
_____ Development and Fund-raising connections/ideas
_____ Social Media creation and distribution
_____ Entrepreneurship/Leadership
_____ Journal development
_____ Symposia connections
_____ Workshop connections
_____ Podium Talks
_____ Other (specify):_______________________

7. Board of Directors meetings are held three times per year in major cities around the country. The Guild does not pay or reimburse Directors’ expenses to, from, or during BOD meetings; these must be borne by the individual, or sometimes by your professional organization (e.g. ensemble, university, etc.) with which you are affiliated. 

The BOD generally meets at the following times: 
     January:  Annual Conference - in person
     May: virtual
     September: in person

        Will you attend the Board of Directors meetings on a regular basis? 

8. We require lOO% financial participation from all Board Directors for Annual Contributions (minimum of $325) - an important budget item and percentage of overall revenue that is necessary for various grants and foundation support.

            Will you contribute annually at the $325 level, or higher? 

9. If selected and confirmed, will you accept nomination for a two-year term on the Board of Directors, beginning January 2025? (Nominations are presented for approval by the full Board of Directors in September, and nominated and confirmed by the ICG membership each year at the Annual Membership Meeting which takes place during the Annual Conference.

10.  Are you a current, Active, Paid Member of the International Conductors Guild? If not, you must join immediately.

11. Please add, on the reverse side or separate page, any further statement or information that may be helpful to the Nominating Committee.

12. Please send or enclose a current resume, or your website information to Dr. Woodard and Dr. Binneweg.

Thank you!  Please feel free to contact Dr. Scott Woodard and Dr. Anna Binneweg for more information or questions.